Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Great Depression (1929 - 1939)

The Causes of Great Depression

  • There were a collapse of land prices
  • The were too many products being made without enough people to buy
  • The farmers had produced too much food, so the prices of the product was low
  • There were too many small banks using Hire Purchase (Credit)
The Results of Great Depression
  • Unemployment. Almost 13 million people were unemployed.
  • Industrial production dropped by 45%
  • House building fell by 80%
  • Starvation
  • 110 deaths during the great depression.
  • The entire American banking system collapsed. At least 5 thousand banks went out of business.
poorly built settlements where the people lived in poverty. sarcastically named after the president.

Prohibition (1920 - 1933)

The main reason for the prohibition was the religious revival. Many people in America became more religious and believe that drinking alcohol is against God's will.
One of the organisations that prohibited alcoholic drinks were the Anti-Saloon League.

Roaring Twenties (1920s)

The Roaring Twenties is a term sometimes used to refer to the 1920s in the United States.

It is an era where American people start to live a consumerism way of life and where flapper redefined modern womanhood.

A lot of American people started to spend more money on fancy things, and the industrial aspect grew fast because of the demand for products. But sixty-percent of Americans still lived under the poverty line.

The Changes in Women's Role

  1. Working women increased by 25%
  2. In 1920, all women were given the right to vote
  3. Women started to wear different and more convenient clothing for their new activities.
  4. "Flapper" started to smoke in public
  5. Women were given the right to  divorce their husband, and the divorce rate doubled.
Economic Boom
  • The damaged countries that joined World War I demanded for American products.
  • Isolationism

The republican government under President Harding and Coolidge kept out foreign add airs and limited foreign competition by implementing high import tariffs.

Reconstruction (1865 - 1877)

In 1865 the 17th President of America, Mr Andrew Johnson, led the reconstruction.

It's purpose was to re-establish the American government to keep America united as one country, and to give the freedmen their civil rights.

Andrew Johnson
The reconstruction reflected his sense of unionism and firm point of view of the southern states' rights.
He first experimented by giving the land which was confiscated by the Union Army back to the previous owners.

Black Codes
After given freedom to create their own government, the southern states' government established a policy to restrict the coloured workers and people.

Radicle Reconstruction
After the congress found out about the Black Codes they took over the reconstruction and refused to seat any representatives or senates from the south in the U.S. congress.
After the reconstruction was taken over by the American congress it became known as Radicle Reconstruction.

It is a term from the south for the travellers from the north that wants to start a new life or business in the south, because the southerners feel that the travellers are taking advantage of their misfortune.

It is a term from the south for the white southerners that supported the Union.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Ku Klux Klan (1867)

KKK came from the Greek word Kyklos which means Cycle/Circle.

This organisation's purpose was to re-establish the American government by showing the White Supremacy (considering oneself the most superior among others)

The clan was established by a Veteran of the Confederacy.The first branch was established in Pulaski, Tennessee.

From 1867 onward, Many African-American win the election in the South.
        Then, The Klan started their underground movement of campaign against the African-American leaders and the voters of Republican Party.
        For this movement, The Klan worked together with the Knights of White Camelia and The White Brotherhood because they have the same idea of racism and they are outnumbered by the Union supporters.

The Boston Tea Party (1773)

In 16 December 1773, the Boston Tea Party happened after the British Government bought tea with money form the people's taxes and later imported it back to Boston to be sold. 

A group of 30 to 130 men, some dressed in the Mohawk warrior disguises, boarded th three vessels and , over the course of three hours, dumped all 342 chests of tea into the harbour.

The precise location of Griffin's Wharf site of the Tea Party has been subject to prolonged uncertainty; a comprehensive study places it near the foot of Hutchinson Street (modern day Pearl Street)

War of Independence (1774 - 1783)

The native Americans are the Indians.
The founders of the 13 colonies were British Immigrants who wanted to practice the religious beliefs without any persecution.
The war is against the British. USA was called the 13 colonies of Britain.

Reason if Revolutionary War:

  • Taxes
  1. The British Limited the people's freedom of trading (Because British applied Mercantilism system, in which they didn't allow the colonies to have trading relationship with other countries)
  2. To fund the 7 years war against France, they also did a system called The stamp Act, in 1765    (every published document should use the British Government's permission to legalise documents)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

George Washington (1732 - 1799)

George Washington, 1st president of the United States, was born in Wakefield, Virginia on the 22nd of February in 1732. He died in Mount Vernon, Virginia  on the 14th of December in 1799.

Washington was the Commander-in-Chief of the American army in the Revolutionary War for the North American colonies and compelled the British troops to capitulate in the year of 1781.

Washington was elected president as the unanimous choice of the electors in the elections of the of both 1788-1789 and 1792.

Washington had strengthened the new state in his presidential era and was revered to as the 'Father of the American Union'.

Washington D.C. was named after him.

He is succeeded by John Adams, his former vice president.